Sunday, February 21, 2010

I am now 11 weeks!!! It is hard to believe that I am almost 3 months into this pregnancy!! I am still getting VERY tired playing with Ariella, but it is sooo worth it!!! I just hope that I will start feeling better soon!!!
I got really tired today while I was at the yard sale/ bake sale. It went well, but Tiffany and I didn't get to much money:( I hope that a lot of money was made from the rest of the stuff that was sold!!
Yesterday was a little tiring as well. I tought my Sabbath school class and I get out of breath really easily!! I am just glad that the moms are so understanding!!! I love my kids in my class, but it is a lot of work!!
I am going to try to take Ariella to the park at least once or twice this week!!! Until next week I will try to rest!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I am now 10 weeks and 4 days!!! It has been really hard not feeling good. I am so looking forward to having better days!!! I just feel bad because I don't feel like playing with Ariella very much :( I am so glad that she can play well by herself!!!
I went to our first prenatal doctors appointment yesterday! I have not gained any weight... so I am very excited about that!! I had a TON of bloodwork done. The nurse took like 8 viles of blood. I am so glad that they only do that once during the pregnancy!!! I was so glad that the Dr. Sweeny said that everything looks good!!! We are not going to do any testing for Down Syndrome. We just feel that GOD will give us what we can handle. We have our next appointment on March 16th. We get to hear our baby's heartbeat!! We will get to see our baby on the ultrasound around John's 3oth Birthday!!! We are so excited!!
I am so glad that everything is going well with this pregnancy!